Everyone has a struggle. Whether that struggle is some sort of chronic illness, or something else in your life, you just have to laugh at yourself now and then. Especially in a situation when you have the potential to start feeling sorry for yourself.
Like my mom always said, “life isn’t fair.” So, you just have to make the best of what you have. In the case of a chronic illness, you have to find the positive side of it. And one of the positives is often humorous situations.
Like the time my cousin was in the hospital on painkillers for a migraine that wouldn’t go away and came out of the bathroom saying, “when I pee, rainbows come out!” And my family always likes to tease me for when I was younger and I had migraines, I would ask them to sit on my head. Its weird, but the pressure helped the pain. Why judge when you can laugh about it instead?
So here’s a little humor about chronic illnesses to remind you that life is silly.
I did my best to find the original authors of any of these images or jokes that I did not come up with, but it isn’t always easy to trace them to their source. If you feel they are not attributed correctly, please email susie (at) pinsandprocrastination.com
Lisa says
Made me laugh and cry!
Gayle says
One more…..”You’re not eating right.”
Mademoiselle Catherine says
Hello Susie,
I’ve been following your blog for a couple of months now (you even convinced me to try the “no poo” method, and it works!), and I like reading your posts because they are so positive, creative and empowering.
Instead of complaining (which way too many people do), you do you best to accept and live with your illness, and I admire that a lot.
All the best from Belgium,
Susie says
Thanks so much for your comment! It made my day. I’m so glad you are liking no poo and that you like my blog! I am so glad you think that my posts are positive and empowering because that is exactly what I am trying to do, and it makes me so happy to hear that. Thank you so much.
Pamela Windle says
I love your blog! keep doing it. Its so nice to see something positive.
Nikki says
I’m new to your website and have only read the things to say and not to say to someone with a hidden illness, and this one. So reading the comment about ‘no poo’ out of context certainly got the imagination going!
Of what I’ve read so far, I’m loving your blog, and this is one of the funniest whilst relevant pages I’ve come across in a while :)
Miriam Kaufman says
I love the bingo! will pass this link on to my patients.
Tess says
Hi Susie! I LOVE your blog. I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis 12 years ago and Fibromyalgia about 7 years ago. I can absolutely relate to everything you have said about chronic illnesses. I have good days and bad days with chronic pain, but the fatigue is what really knocks me down. I don’t know many people who are dealing with the same issues as me so it was really nice reading your thoughts and knowing that there are others out there who deal with the same sort of things and feel the same as I do. I hope you are having a good day today and thank you so much for sharing on your blog. I smiled and laughed so much that my jaw joint hurts, lol.
Johnny Depth says
Thanks for the laughs; I needed them today. Wishing everyone out there a “good” day.
Marlene says
I stumbled across your site and have a few of the posts and for sure will explore further. I wanted to let you know I’m sitting here with tears running down my face from laughter. And love the Bingo card. Thank you for that, now I’m in search of “no poo”.
Kristina Colbrn says
Thank you so much for sharing. I have felt so alone, but you reminded me that I’m not. Even when my own family don’t understand or believe me. I know I’m not the only one.
Loved the chronic illness jokes! I really needed a laugh!